In memoriam

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In memoriamYour Buchser Reunion and Picnic committee is posting the names of both Alumni and Staff that have passed away. We have done this out of respect and in memory for those that have passed on. We frequently receive requests from fellow Alumni for this information. If you know of additional names we should add or correct, please email us.


Falling leafStaff

Falling leafClass of 1960

Kathy Ames Dye January 26, 2024
Phil Catania April 30, 2017
Dee Combs October 2006
James (Jim) Davis July 28, 2017
Mary Dawes Point April 6, 1996
Audrey De Silva July 2012
Holly Feldman Soldati July 13, 2005
Sharen Grabowski Adair May 7, 2012
Larry Hope  
Larry Horrillo May 19, 2003
Fant Horton September 28, 2013
Sharon Husted December 7, 2018
Judith Mae Jackson Groth May 8, 2021
Kay Johnson 1962
Richard Johnson January, 2020
Ken Kubo June 22, 2016
Linda Lawrie Schiro April 28, 2006
Janice Ledbetter 2010
Grady Lewis December 25, 2011
Penny Long Hillsman January 12, 2016
Francine McSeaton George February 15, 1994
Phil Mickleson  
JoAnn Montgomery Latham  
Jeri Mulleda 1980
Mary Jane Orason November 19, 1961
Karl Schiavo November 2006
Phil Short 1969
Bonnie Tagami 2015
Dennis Wilson 1995
Jeannie Young  

Falling leafClass of 1961

Bill Brill June 2011
William (Bill) Budisch  
John Demaree August 4, 2008
Stan Freitas June 1, 2015
Jim Gardiner January 2014
Craig Herman June 4, 2005
Arlene Lewis Brass January 5, 2021
Kathie Johnson Cook  
Pat Harrison July 18, 2020
Condon A. Knutson 2015
Ted Lewis April 24, 2012
Thomas Mlakar July 1, 1982
Earl Norman May 26, 2014
Wayne Pate  
Parry Peters  
James L. Pierce July 5, 2011
Larry Staten 1984
Darwin Thomas October 14, 1966 Viet Nam
Ed West December 28, 2011
Dick Williams November, 2021
Richard Woods December 30, 1973

Falling leafClass of 1962

Mary Baldwin Wolk December 16, 2009
Philip Brent September 11, 1966
Carol Lynn Burke Berman July 4, 1997
Martha Cabral August 2011
Isabelle Castro Hyland May 14, 2023
Jerry Chadim March 5, 1996
John Davenport  
Wilbur Dedic December 26, 1983
John David Downey July 19, 1981
Jimmy Ruth Faught Spadafore May 22, 2009
Tomas Faulkner  
Stanley Heath February 23, 2001
Arlene Johnson Stanton February 11, 2021
Michael Koontz January 5, 1995
Bob Liberman December 13, 2013
Marlene Major  
Roy Eugene (Gene) Owens 2011
Ron Pennington April 29, 1998
Linda Porter Kerner February 9, 2023
Michael Ray  
Douglas Jesse Richmond  
Thomas W. Roark February 3, 1985
Mary Jane Ruiz September 7th, 1972
Angie Schiavo  
Joe Schmidig March 27, 2018
Steve Shero February, 2022
Melville Shwarts June 16, 2002
Patti Smith Byington July 29, 2017
Glen Snode 1963
Eddie Souza July 8, 2016
Mike Wathen July 25, 1988

Falling leafClass of 1963

Edward A. Afanador November 20, 2020
Robert Ahnlund August 28, 2021
Josephine F. Antolin February 10, 2004
Shirley Ann Banks Manor January 8, 2010
John Ralph Charles Bailey February 27, 2013
Earl E. Batterton, Jr. June 22, 2017
Charlene Emma Beatty Bergen October 28, 2010
Jade Bowen 2017 or 2018
Frederick (Rick) Brown July, 10 2006
Mary C. Burns Butchko October 8, 2009
James L. Campbell December, 2023
Rick (Frederick) Carlson October 31, 2015
Michael Casey 2009
Golda Mae Caston Sykes May 17, 2013
Donald Christianson  
Joan Connell Vincenz June 26, 2005
(Dave) Michael Cowan June, 2019
George A. Crail December, 2019
James Crampton 2007
James Burton Crowell December, 2013
Mark de la Fuente June 6, 2005
Mike DeLapp November 24, 2015
Alan (Skip) Della Maggiore April 2, 2020
“Chuck” Clarence Lee Demellopine November 1, 2015
Maurice G. Demers June 23, 2015
Larry Dillingham 2002
George Anthony Elardo May 15, 1993
Dana Diane Ellis  
Larry Alan Fernandez October 25, 2008
Ernie Flores May 1980
Sally Frechou January 8, 2000
Robert E. Freedman August 15, 2009
Barbara Jean Fuson September, 2016
Reginald Gage November 11, 2013
Al Leigh Garcia February 2014
Anna Maria Giacomo Miller December 12, 2001
Robert Gonter June 19, 2000
Lennie Green April 1, 2020
Paul M. Hayes April 2, 1997
Edward Heilner 1986
Jack R. Hein February 16, 2012
David C. Johnson January 31, 2003
Ray Johnson September 16, 2004
James Jula July 17, 1995
Victor Kato November 10, 2014
Thomas Edward Kintz May 11, 2009
Sharon L. Kryger Gantt November, 2019
John T. Leary, Jr. March, 2018
Delores Marie Lesher Manchester November, 2022
James (Jungle Jim) Liberman September 9, 1977
James L Lykins June 29, 2003
Dennis Maddux December 18, 1965
Michael Mason August 5, 2020
Donald Ray Mays October 13, 1964
Stan Miller April 7, 2024
Daniel Morris Moorhead August 23, 2003
Martha Jean Mungall Gendron January 6, 2003
Dorothy Jane Nelson Frincke July23, 2022
Derek Nixon July 6, 1997
George Olivera May 14, 2005
Sheila O’ Bar Pate November 21, 1996
Robert O’Neil January 17, 1969 – Viet Nam
Randall Lee Palmer December, 2014
Pauline Pare Torres October 25, 1976
Louann Pomeroy August 19, 2019
Tibby Price Yarbrough November 14, 1980
Buster Ralls February 19, 2002
Diana Riopel Love September 5, 2021
David L. Rose July 17, 1965 – Viet Nam
Josie R. Ruiz Bowman July 19, 2008
LuVerne Charles “Skip” Russie October, 2019
Cecelia Salazar Arroyo April 11, 2009
Michelle (Mickey) Sasville Gruenwald January 22, 2014
Larry Simas April 5, 1996
Bill Simmons March 14, 2013
Margaret Smith Eddy June 2, 2014
Mary Jo Stoddard Westenburger  
Ron Tachibana March 14, 2024
Jay Thomas February 17, 2001
Douglas Titus June 6, 1998
Sandra Truitt Salter 1989
Dennis Vicinenzo 1962
Bruce Vickers July 8 1977
John Walker 1999
Georgeanne Ward Taggard October 3, 2006
Malcom Williams  
Robert Wolfe July 17, 2002
Keith Wooten 2015

Falling leafClass of 1964

Janelle Azzarello Scalora May 16, 2021
Lawrence Bianchi April 3, 1994
Joe Biber September 19, 1968 – Viet Nam
Carla Brinegar March 2003
Daniel Brosnan December 8, 2008
Chuck Cerf 2001
William Chandler February 8, 2020
Carol Craver December 2005
Sandra Currence Richey December 2, 2015
Pattie Ewing Simmons  
Fred Falk November 2014
Paul Farmer January 11, 2021
Janice Fricke Hittman July 24, 2012
Mary Ann Goggin July 1, 2017
Gary Hall 2013
Tony Hidalgo January 24, 2017
Anne Marie Janus Hagestad April 2, 1983
Judy Leeper  
Virginia Marchand July 26, 1996
Jim McKee March 15, 2023
Linda Miceli Catania February 20, 2014
Phil Ortiz May 18, 1999
Michael Papp March 27, 2015
June Peters McCracken Celano January 26, 2015
Paula Geraldine Petrucci Wertz April 9, 2020
James (Tony) Ponce August 27, 2015
Alan Poole  
Steve Rushing December 12, 2010
Glenn Shrader October 18, 1983
Thomas Richard Steele March 7, 2013
Tom Suddick  

Falling leafClass of 1965

James Ahnlund November 27, 2013
Donald Alcorn September 10, 2002
Armandina Avila August 1976
Heidi Bain March 31, 2024
Renate Boese June 2, 2010
Chester Bowen May 1972
Mike Brewer July 22, 2013
Bob Brill November 18, 2016
Barbara Brown Doyle September 15, 2009
Glenda Brown Hanlon March 4, 2013
Nancie Bruning Shulte January 20, 2011
Suzanne Burgess Myra February 5, 2023
Judy Ann Carlson March 10, 2015
Katherine Cates January 20, 2020
James Cauthren September 9, 2006
Ken Cody October 4, 2004
Karen Cornet March 22, 2011
Terry Cornie  
Barbara DelBuono Hales November 20, 2006
Richard Dicks June 10, 1993
Dennis Dirickson 2001
Joe Eddy March 3, 1965
David Faught  
Gary Fleener February 1, 1967
Earl Freitas November 2, 2017
Betty Fuson Villalovos November 16, 2005
Randall Gadd January 11, 2001
Robert Gama March 8, 2008
Claudia Garrotto Sperandeo October 13, 2003
Lynne Gesler February 22, 2002
Lynda Greenhood Trease February 26, 2014
Roberta Grimm Rinde August 12, 2022
Linda Gunn ~1989
Frank Gutierrez January 3, 1989
Pam Hagewood Varga January 21, 2017
Robert Hardesty March 16, 1968 – Viet Nam
Raymond Haynie  May 21, 1989
Mary Heilner July 16, 2017
Toni Hileman Stephens Coleman October 24, 2021
Ellen Huber McClendon July 1971
Donna Husted Schubert November 8, 2013
Vivian (Peggy) Jacobs Cofer April 28, 2015
Denny Johnstone September 1992
Jim Jones December 26, 2014
Pamela Kerr February 5, 2021
Bob Knittle December 17, 1995
Joe Ledesma May 20, 1967 – Viet Nam
David Lee March 2015
Jim Lillo June 13, 1965
Bob Lilly May 12, 2019
Lea Lucero April 1980
Jim Magee June 29, 1994
Thomas Malone March 5, 2020
Roberta Mellinger August 8, 1970
Milton Mizota December 8, 1970
David Montrose July 11, 1989
William Morrison June 25, 2011
Jim Nelson March 25, 2011
Jim O’Brien February 3, 2010
Edward Oelschlager April 1, 1996
Gary Palmer August 12, 2012
Curt Pare August 31, 2011
Janis Patten Henry June 14, 2009
Ronald Pierce October 12, 2021
Tim Power December 28, 2010
Tom Price June 16, 1990
Susan Reagan October 1967
Bob Rembowski August 21, 2019
Rudy Riojas May 21, 2006
Daniel Riopel December 4, 2017
Judy Rodabush Muncy March 13, 2017
Jimmy Romero 2000
John Rosenthal May 24, 1970
Alan Ruehl April 26, 1996
Allen Selfridge October 25, 1998
Scott Sells June 18, 2018
Patsy Ann Shively Papp November 13, 2022
Alan Singer December 2, 1975
Rick Sletten February 12, 2001
April Smith Weiss Reiswig  
George Stanton September 28, 2013
Lynn Stephens  
Beverly Stoopes Bahr June 3, 1988
Bob String November 6, 2000
Peggy Stuart Riner 2005
Don Stuckey November 24, 1992
Cathy Teixeira Romero February 7, 2019
Sharon Tetter Dean May, 2021
Larry Thomas  
Todd Thrower December 7, 2019
Skip (Claude) Tidwell June 9, 2022
Michelle Verdugo ~2000
Davison Vivit June 1, 2011
Michael Ward April 21, 2013
Tim Whitten September 16, 1998
Michael Winton November 10, 2010

Falling leafClass of 1966

Diane Afflerback Ericson May 2008
Dave Becker September 2014
Karla Bennett  
Sandra Bennett  
Carol Bour August 15, 2020
Robert “Fatty” Bowen March 19, 2013
David Bragg  
David Briner November 12, 2015
Darrell Brooks March 6, 1994
John Bucks December 9, 2017
Bill Butler August 2011
John Byington October 2010
Teresa Conley Mingus September 6, 2011
Carol Cushman 1978
David Dawes December 28, 2003
Steve Festini February 11, 1995
Edwardo Flores March 25, 1969 – Viet Nam
Peggy Gale Reichmann March 2011
Ernie Garnica August 10, 2022
Betty Giacomo Masouris April 11, 2009
Jack Girdis 2015
Tom Gonzales  
Cathy Graham July 2008
Rebecca Hardman  
William Herbner June 18, 2021
Bud Herman June 2, 2016
Ronald Hernandez February 15, 2011
Ronald Eugene (Gene) Hittle February 5, 2002
Cheryl Johnson Gump March 19, 2022
Harry (Danny) Jojola April 7, 1970 – Viet Nam
Joe Kelley February, 2020
Sheryl Kieser Krause 1975
Janice Kozlow February 11, 2019
Kenneth Lapke 1962
Mary Wayne Lazzeroni  
Mike Lipsius April 19, 1968-Viet Nam
Linda McChesney Delpero December 22, 2012
Elena Minor March 18, 2024
Don Mundy January, 2021
Mike Munger July 6, 2015
Sharon Noack Lengl 2007
Pam Skrinski March 2, 2010
Kathleen O’Hanlon Smith  
JoAnn Okada Sperlinksi February 27, 2016
Dan O’Neill  
Jim Reifschneider October 12, 2004
Sal Schiavo June 13, 2011
Don Schmidt  
Don Schmidt  
Tom Tritch March 27, 2015
Nancy Twiford  
Ron Wershiner 1970
Richard Wilkie November,14 2010

Falling leafClass of 1967

Gary Anderson August 22, 2022
Kevin Arnold 2011
Kathleen Azzarello Arena October 30, 2009
Bobby Bevard August 12, 1969 Viet Nam
Virginia Bolt Heath July 2015
John (Jack) Brandau June 1981
Gail Brooks Jones August 10, 2021
Bob Browning December 11, 2016
Michael Buchanan August 2013
Thomas Butler  
Chris Carveiro August 29, 2015
Anita Castro February 4, 2019
Richard Certo May 19, 2013
Billy Chambers  
Ginger Charron Kraft June 14, 2017
Tom de la Fuente August 24, 2022
Joseph Earl  
Faye Ellis June 17, 2022
James Gavin Embry February 1, 2015
William Fair May 24, 2013
Daryl Gostisha October 3, 2023
Duane Grace October 1, 2020
Karolyn Hagen  
Linda Houck  
David Lapka March 2009
Maria Magliocco Moniz December 26, 2019
Anna Maldonado  
Daniel McNeil  
Angelo R. Morales March 26, 1970 – Viet Nam
Bruce Myers October 26. 2021
Robert Oakland September 29, 2016
Randall Palmer December 2014
Mark Papenhausen  
Deborah Patterson Stuart October 4, 1994
Peter Petrucci February 2015
Paul Ponce August 15, 1969 – Viet Nam
Jerry Rentschler October 2012
Gary Ross June 1, 2011
Gilbert Ruiz March 21, 1969 – Viet Nam
Tony Sanchez September 21, 2023
Timothy Shue May 14, 2004
Carol Souza Yates January 14, 2021
Peter Tan  
Donald Trantham May 31, 1968 – Viet Nam
Kathleen Witthar April 17, 2007
Kenneth Wnuck August 18, 2003

Falling leafClass of 1968

Richard Bagnati 1996
Peter Bauer January 30, 2020
Kathy Borg Todd April 4, 2022
Joseph Brunetti September 19, 2001
Yvette Busby June 28, 1969
Douglas Burgoyne July 2013
Linda Burt Silva December 2008
Carol Cauthren  
Timothy Davis February 2011
Virginia de la Cruz Kelly March 11, 2023
Georgina Flowers Wisdom May 28, 2018
Wayne Freitas August 18, 1970
William Fuson April 20, 2024
Daniel Graham May 12, 2022
Duane Farrel Helms February 26, 2005
John Herbert October, 2022
Daryl Kirk March 1998
Cindy Laisure Johnson February 3, 2024
Daniel Malone November 9, 1995
Judi Maringer November 1973
Heidi Merryman De Molina 1989
Eddie Navarette September 30, 2009
Patricia Navarro Hughes January 13, 2011
Rosalie Reeder Jack July 2, 2011
Robert Ross January 3, 2021
David Saavedra April 11, 2015
Jim Sample October 18, 2001
John Sanchez November 10, 2003
Sharon Teixeira January 27, 2022
Carol Teresi  
Gregory Thompson August 18, 1970
Ron Treaster June 1, 2007
James Weilert August 28, 2019
Jeff White September 27, 1970 – Viet Nam

Falling leafClass of 1969

Paul Alvarez 1969
Lucinda Barger September, 2023
Dennis Bertuccelli August, 2020
Doug Carlson  
Tim Carlson  
John DeFrancesco  
Steven James Demaree April 13, 2011
George Embry 2013
Augustine Fernandez 2008
Lynda Foster Harden January, 2013
Joe Garza 1987
Ron Hoffman 2007
Barbara Honda 2005
Neal Jackson March 2015
Ronda Janoski Frenzer 1999
Edward Jigour 2006
Terry Keeling  
Russell Kirschmann 1988
Robert Kowtko  
Jan Kriss Thornburg December 2, 2014
Edna Kubo 1986
Karen Lord Casey 2012
Signora (Sig) McClure 2023
Bonnie McIntyre Jackson December 25, 2017
Patsy Merjanian 2005
Jimmy Miceli July 2008
Marsha New ~2011
Elaine Orlowski December 2018
Harvey Okada February 24, 2022
Fred Peaslee June 2008
Diane Pizzi Peterson 1978
Charlene Ponte Davis February 4, 2017
Roxanne Rake Behrendsen May 19, 2019
Toni Roman Caldwell  
Mabel Romero Verdugo February 25, 2010
Russell Romero December 2007
Joanne Stewart Graffigna 2007
Nick Walker August 13, 2019
Rex Walker 1994
Marceen Way  
Bill Wilson October 3, 2003
Greg Wilson 1992
Earl Yagi December 20, 2018
Bill Yeater December 21, 2023
Ray Zanella 1995

Falling leafClass of 1970

Larry Anderson July 2012
Jean Bailey June 18, 2016
Jay Bohme March 7, 2020
Virginia Castro Shumate  
Frank Edwards  
David Gardner July 30, 2021
Susan Gardner May 2, 2024
John Goard March 5, 2019
Jerry Hamm  
Janie Hansen Wilson  May 24, 2001
Bill Hardesty April 25, 2016
William Hauck October 9, 1987
Hank Hobday  
Mike Hodgins 2007
Gail Hummel November 8, 1979
Brent Jackson  
Michael Johnson December 27, 2011
Rodney Klassen 1971
Charlotte Krewson Luciani July 2021
Katherine Kulpa White March 27, 2019
David Kutsenda December 2008
Eric Mann March 4, 2024
Sherry Mayfield 2014
David Medina April 30, 1971 – Viet Nam
Mike Miller April 27,2015
Gary Morgan August 16, 2017
Joanne Omara Vance 2016
Sharon Reimer February 18, 2011
Pat Rivera July 29, 1971
Richard Ross 1968
Leslie Ruth April 18, 2014
Margaret Sexton December 9, 2003
James (Jim) Richard Silva February 2009
Michael Sirois November 18, 2006
Daphne Smith Osborne August 16, 2013
Charles Steele December 13, 2017
Cliff Sutton  
Bob Zarcone  
Jim Wood January 4, 2021

Falling leafClass of 1971

Mike Abbey 2006
Albert Bateh March 1993
Gary Benney April 30, 2017
William Black December 4, 2008
Doug DeShera ~1974
Robert Dill September 11, 2015
Jill Flint Adkisson March 18, 2010
Rob Girdis June 2009
Allen Green 2010
Mary Hathaway 1984
Derrol Hammer March 4, 2020
Richard James November 1977
Eric Craig Johansen December 10, 2010
Susan Lamela Jernigan Meals June 2000
Ricky J Micheletti April 4, 2019
Tom Lancaster  
Jim Miller September 7, 2018
Mary Beth Mollenhauer  
Mark Morris September 9, 2018
Russell Olmstead December 2008
Jack Orosco February 11, 1978
Deb Porter March 27, 2023
Rosemary Phillips Zurcher December 2, 2004
Burt Rivera September 10, 1971
John Sphar August, 2022
Ken Van Duyn January 6, 1973
Richard Ventura 1968
James Wardell 1972
Dennis Whelihan November 23, 2015

Falling leafClass of 1972

Rusty (Ron) Bolt  
Russell Bright April 17,2011
Mary Ann Butler  
Edmund Cerone September 21, 2020
James Cifelli 1999
Bruce Alan Demaree March 18, 1996
Steven DeWall April 15, 2011
Rose Marie Ewing August 28, 2022
Debbie George Null January 25, 2020
Dale Halvorson October 9, 2019
Karen Hartmann January 2016
Tom Hembree September 1, 1974
Harold “Smokey” Herren December 19, 2023
Janice Hutton March 7, 2012
Randy Leeper February 8, 2019
Stephen Levers March 30, 2024
Robert (Bob) Mayorga April 7, 2008
Raul Navarro 2007
Gloria Nieto September 6, 2022
Diana Perkovich October 19, 2021
Linda Powell 1973
Linnea Quistgaard  
Nancy Rifbjerg Riggs November 29, 2012
Kathy Rodrigues Davenport August 7, 2012
Janet Rubin Fargo November 18, 2013
Julia C. Smith 2005
Lee Smith October 9, 2022
Melanie Ann Smith McNiven June 9, 2013
Kathy Sphar Bringuel September 19, 2022
William Rich August 28, 2020
Susan Smith Thorpe January 20, 2005
Rosetta Tennesen November 28, 2005
Rosaine Vasquez  
Cheryl Webber Peaslee February 5, 2019
Dan Wiseman 2015
Robert Wood 2008

Falling leafClass of 1973

Susan Adams Japs February 17, 2015
Jutta Anselm January 17, 1996
Jody Auman July 7, 2014
Florence Bariao July 29, 2018
Cheryl Bell James November 15, 1984
Patricia Berritto Flanery December 15, 2017
Alan Brooker April 11, 1980
Michael Brown May 8, 1987
Patrick Byington January 31, 2016
Cindy Carr Johnston June 29, 2000
Bonnie Carter November 2, 1983
Carol Certo Poulsen July 13, 2021
Gary Chapman February 13, 1977
Christine Conroy May 8, 1978
Richard Coward April 15, 2004
James Densmore August 6, 2003
Denise Dugas Doyle February 15, 2019
Michael Fairchild March 28, 1998
Mary Fansler Omalia December 6, 2006
Lynn Fitzgerald Rosellini May 20, 2016
Christopher Flowers September 6, 2007
Kathleen Fraser Sliter September 10, 2013
Steffanie Freese Milliman October 29, 1998
Frank Fricke November 5, 2022
Richard Gable July 15, 1993
Margaret Goldman Anello December 26, 2007
James Thomas Graves December 19, 2013
Nigel Griffith June 18, 2018
Steve Herman September 7, 1998
Edward Heyden May 13, 2007
Bill Hicks October 17, 1973
Janet Hodgins Kiser September 5, 2022
Debbie Hutton Schuldt October 3, 2015
Linda Jensen Daniel January 4, 2018
Therese Johnson Vasquez May 27, 2014
Michael Jones December 5, 2013
John Kieser (Sgt.) November 12, 1982
Peggy Knowles O’Donnell November 13, 2014
Daniel Lastra February 2, 2006
Jeffrey Mackedsy March 28, 1999
Rae Ann Madu March 31, 2001
Steven Marcki October 24, 2017
Daniel McAfee January 6, 1994
Bruce McCall March 10, 2024
Paula Nanna Rice July 6, 2014
Tim Pawson February 9, 2020
Keith Bradford Peterson August 25, 2021
Ronald Piatt June 13, 1993
Fred Pivacek January 10, 1998
Chris Schieber July 29, 2019
Jean Shirkman September 4, 2022
Marlene Souza Lerma May 25, 2020
Stephen Tanquary July 31, 1988
Lawrence Vallerga January 10, 2020
Renee Velarde Watt June 17, 2019
Mitchell Verna July 29, 2010
John Vivit March 8, 2015
Robert Volk January 10, 1974
Tom Watson April 1, 2015
Toni Weaver January 17, 2008
Ron Wells November 8, 1972
Mark Wilkins March 30, 1992

Falling leafClass of 1974

Sarah Marie Anderson June 24, 2022
Ed Appleberry November 27, 2022
Rick Aube July 8, 2011
Randy Betz February 1978
Jerry Bevans  
Ernesto (Ernie) Briones December 1999
John Bruener  
Tanya Burg Friscia December 24, 2020
Jack Cambis  
Clint Cambridge April 2, 2004
Rex Carlson 1979
John Clark May 26, 1986
Wayne Crowell 1978
Rick De Los Santos  
Johnny Dolen January 2017
Joseph Driggs 1993
Joy Dunn Shields July 18, 2019
Susan Lori Dye Oct 16, 1975
James L Franklin  
Larry Fox 1981
Joan Goularte Marie June 22, 2021
Robert Herbner  
Nancy Jackson  
Anne Jensen Benker January 31, 2023
Buzz Kleemeyer November 28, 2019
Leo Laxamana  
Kim Loveday Nunez January 14, 2013
Kathy Maggi Murphy September 23, 2014
Fred Mandel August 23, 1972
Anita Mann Penry March 21, 2021
Mark Murray  
Jeanine Owen Tucker September 8, 2019
Robert Peterson November 2015
Frank Pierce December 3, 2015
Laurie Prowse December 5, 2009
Bill Quigley 1974
Bob Rich Novemer 22, 2016
John Sabanovich  
Janet Schmidt Tilbury March 2011
Karen Short Avants 2016
Ron Sodano  
Thomas Whelihan January 10, 2018
Ismael Zavala  

Falling leafClass of 1975

Kate (Tracy) Adams September, 2021
William Philip Arling 1992
Mark Belluci 1997
Kenneth Chapman September 15, 2009
Joan Chen Fong July 29, 2017
David Michael Cherry 1999
Brad Chin December 2023
Michael Chirichigno 2000
Laurie Clewett 2013
Teresa Dunkelberger 2013
Lawrence Fox 1981
Thomas Frederito 1990
Ronald Fricke 1998
Andrea Garcia October 7, 2016
Paul Joseph Jr Garcia 1976
Tawnee Holmgren November 15, 2015
Dale Irish September 2018
Deborah Jackman Thompson 1995
Kathleen Noble Novak  
Keith Oakland 2013
Alicia Quintana  
William Raysor 1999
Kathy Rebello 2008
Walter Rohde 1983
Randy Savoy April 3, 2024
Mary Ellen Sabanovich Bynum September 2012
Steve Sforza  
Carol Ann Smith Powell  
Debra Souza Miller July 23, 2011
Rhonda Starr 2006
Richard Steele  
Robin Stoll Brace December 1974
Russell Zahorik  

Falling leafClass of 1976

Michelle Adame McDowell October 2018
Donald Arcuri  
Doug Balandis April 2, 2011
Brad Block February 2, 2024
Roger Brandt  
Janet Brown  
Jim Busby March 24, 2013
Rick Channing  
Cindy Druen April 16, 2021
Kristine Fraser 2005
Albert Hall October 15, 2021
Don Kesner April 25, 2022
Hazel Kimberly Kocotis November 5, 2016
Art Mollenhauer  
Donna Morrison O’Neal September 27, 2020
Joey Perez  
Bob Pettigrew  
Thomas Ponte February 27, 2017
Arlene Kay Rinaldo Ford 1981
Lori Jane Schieferstien Maliszewski October 29, 2008
Kelly Short October 22, 2013
Charles W. Smith April 16, 2010
Michael Spragio 1994
Dave Struck November 5, 2018
Jan Watson 1973
Bob Wilson 2011

Falling leafClass of 1977

Claudia Alexander July 11, 2015
Beverly Blacow June 2009
Johnny Burnett  
Robert K. Cobb  
Keith Cooney September 8, 2013
Jeffrey Coughlin  
Paul A. Fox  
John Kikuchi May 1, 2022
George Martinez August 11, 2021
Lori Gale McClarnon May 28, 2021
Janet M. Gustaveson  
Rose Harter July 2008
Steven Scott Hehner April 26, 2018
Randy Hunter December 13, 2017
Ryan McFarland November 8, 2019
Margaret (Peggy) Moniz Urueta January 24, 2019
Kathleen A. Mundell Rumpel  
Cynthia Munoz-Swanson October 1, 2016
Stephen Wade Norris October 5, 1988
Terry Ponte 2017
Shelley Rangel Starr November 12, 2011
Robert P. Reyes  
Angela Reyes Chavez January 10, 2018
Luis Rosa December 14, 2020
Christina Saxton Sabatelli January 24, 2017
Cindy Turley May 14, 1978

Falling leafClass of 1978

Mike Baldwin  
Greg Bartol May 26, 2016
Gigi Burnett February 16, 2018
Ricky Duckworth January 17, 1976
Laurie Grossman Cleland February 7, 2022
Perry Ignacio  
Susan Jaramillo  
Kevin Keeling June 16, 2019
Terrence Locke August 10, 1990
Ed Magyar October 8, 2018
Robert Reynolds  
Ellen Rohles Cerone August 5, 2011
Theresa Lee Salvador Ray June 29, 2023
Linda SanFilippo  
Christy Sessions  
Manuel (Jerry) Sousa February 21, 2014
Ronald Roy Tranchina January, 2021
Todd William  
Anthony (Tony) Wolff June 6, 2020
Carol Zachary Feb 11, 1998

Falling leafClass of 1979

Dennis Andringa July 21, 2023
Angeline Aragon September 15, 2020
Wayne Bloechl August, 2022
John Boyd  
Jerome Cashman December 31, 2015
Kathy Cobb Knowles July 26, 2019
Carol Cunningham July 13, 2007
David Evans September, 2023
Nat Fast October 2022
Steve Flud  
Doug Furter May 11, 2020
Pete Ghiglione 1995
Randy Guiterrez 2008
Kathleen Hazelton May 6, 2004
Dawn Magyar Whitted November 2022
Charles Mallette 2021
Vicky Menting Carroll January 11, 2021
Tom O’Neill  
Lori Sergent Kowal May 1, 2006
Leslie Silberman Kearns June 2017
Mike Timmons August 16, 2012
Robert Vallerga July 4, 2007

Falling leafClass of 1980

Howard Biederman  
Annmarie Burriesci Eyers April 1, 2023
Melanie Conlan Stowell July 5, 2023
Nancy Farry Coulter June 2017
Mark Fedor  
Robert Gonzales  
Michael Herndon February 27, 1977
Jim Hutchinson May 24, 2022
Carrie Jones February 10, 2016
Robert Madden June 29, 2006
Dennis Mitchell February 2014
David Monary  
Nancy Montoya August 2021
Eileen Moritch 2003
Kraig O’Donnell  
Tim Ponte July 2013
Winona Pratt Salmon January 28, 2023
Karen Silva July 3, 1982
Hillary Swain April 25, 2018
Karen Todd October 20, 2011

Falling leafClass of 1981

Steve M. Bilycia November 11, 2012
Steve Cardoza  
Debra Chapman Rosander July 24, 2020
Stacy Davis  
Jonathan Driggs 1991
Kenneth Duret January 7, 2016
Jennifer Edwards Feasby April 20, 2019
Dirk Eppard  
Douglas Geitz  
Albert Hughes April 23, 2005
Jose Juntado April 2, 2019
John Lanch March 2023
James Luce  
Eugene Mayer  
Kenneth Sledd  
Janet Smith Gould August 2008
Leslie Vernon prior to 1981

Falling leafClass of 1982

Paul Backhus 2002
Gregory Campi  
Karen Carpenter  
Tom Julian June 25, 2008
Sherry Presley January 1, 2024

Falling leafClass of 1983

Mary Davis  
Michele Campbell Tokiwa 2011
Lisa Sanford Hopper February 9, 2024
Brenda Scott  

Falling leafClass of 1984

Monica Taylor Spivey October 12, 2019

Falling leafStaff

Robert February 27, 2012
Peter Ainslie 1992
Bob Amaral May 2, 2018
Wayne Armer 2012
David Bassoni October 31, 2018
Mrs. Barkmain 2009
Lorena Ballard  
George Berga January 1, 2015
Ben Birkel 2022
Jane Bondi  
Geneva Bowman  
Ken Brinks  
Wade Brummal May 26, 1990
Matilda (Tillie) Brunello April 2012
Claire Buchser  
Salvadore Burriesci February 21, 2012
Warren Bush 2013
Don Callejon February 27, 2021
Donald Carre  
True Cook  
Cecil Criger February 28, 2015
Don Curtis  
John Dalton February 29, 2016
Mary Dawes  
Gloria De Marco  
Melvin DiSalvo March 1, 2024
Gary Edwards August 8, 2020
John Eastman March 7, 2016
George Fegan 2016
James Filice  
Manuel Fragosa  
Carl Glisemeyer  
John Gomes  
Jane Gordon  
Ron Hagelin September 2017
Ed Hermann  
Robert Hileman  
Barbara Johnson  
Jerry Jones  
John Jurivich March 1, 2015
Joe Kornder June 21, 2016
Herb Lara  
Jack Lyon  
Charles Martin  
Paul McClure  
Voyle McFarland July 20, 2019
Robert McGuiness  
John Mix  
Gary Moore May 29, 2018
Helen Morrill  
Jeanette Nixon  
Louis Butch Pastorini October 2017
Patrick Penick November 18, 2017
Mary Sager June 18, 2017
Lois Salles Bolling  
Frances Schimke March 29, 2013
Jana Shaw  
Tazuko Tachibana  
John Tofflemire August 13, 2013
Dale Tygrett  
George Wagner  
Virginia Walker Cardenas  
Helen Watari  
Kathleen Weber  
Bob Wegman  

Falling leafStaff-Curtis

Mrs. Barkmain 2009
David Bassoni October 31, 2018

Falling leafBruin Supporters

Michael Del Monaco-Owner, Vesuvio’s December 13, 2013

159 Responses to “In memoriam”

  1. John C. Herndon

    Class of 1980 should have Michael Herndon. My little brother died from a brain tumor and incompetent uncaring doctors. My brother Robert L. Herndon was class of 1976. He is still kicking in Germany. Thank you.

    • webchickbhs

      Thanks, we will take care of it.

      • James M. Charling

        Chester Bowen was my biological father. He was in the class of 1965. He passed away in 1972 when I was 2yrs old. I never knew him and have only seen one photo of him thats not very clear. If anyone knew him or has a photo and would like to share I would be very greatful. You can contact webchick for my email address if anyone remembers him. Thanks so much

      • Monica Olafson

        Karen Carpenter was class of 81 not 82, also her brother Darrin Carpenter passed class of 78 or 79?

        • Tom Barrett

          Hi Monica. I am working with the class reps for those years to try to confirm that info. If you have any references (obituaries, etc.) that would be helpful. Once I have confirmation I can update the In Memoriam page. Thanks!
          -Tom Barrett, Class of 75

    • Fellow Teammate

      Mike Herndon and his father were fantastic people. I can remember playing little league with him and his soft spoken, class personality. His dad was just amazing! Although, I never saw Mike after youth baseball, I will never forget him or his wonderful father!

    • Dan Green

      Hey John I remember you brother that year. He sat next to me in math class.

    • Kevin Crane

      Hi John,
      I have fond memories of Mike. He and I were classmates and Little League team mates. It was tragic to lose him so young.

  2. John C. Herndon
  3. Kelley Knowles

    Peggy Knowles (O’donnell) passed away last year (2014), class of 1973.

    Kelley (her sister)

    • Buchser

      Thank you for letting us know.
      I will post the date of her passing if you want, just let me know.

  4. Jim Brown

    Kevin Arnold, class of 1967, died in 2012.
    Thank You.

  5. Renee Reeder Smith

    Sharon Reimer from the class of 1970 died Feb. 18, 2011.

  6. chuck owen

    Dan Wiseman (Class of 72) Recently just died

  7. Michael Lund

    Bob Wilson class of 76 passed away several years ago.

  8. Vince

    I heard today that Tom Juiian class of 82 died in 2008.

    • Fellow Teammate

      Tom Julian was a great kid and class act! His mother was a nice lady and I can remember my childhood hanging out and playing baseball with Tom. I always admired Tom and his family. From little league up!

  9. Wayne Bloechl

    Thank you John Tofflemire for teaching me chemistry. I’ll miss not seeing you in Aptos Village anymore… RIP.

    • Terry Bohme

      Mr Tofflelmire was a great teacher. I had him in 10th grade chemistry. I did not know he was still alive when he was. I though him some years older than my 1930 mom.
      He told of of his plan accident and injury. Lucky but great person. I never saw him as an adult- wish I had. 1971 Class Oh the slide rule- he taught us how to use it.

  10. Lee Ann Fairall

    Class of 63. I live in East Tennessee and have had correspondence over the years, with Rita Evans Dyer who lives in Oregon.

  11. Jane Okada

    JoAnn Okada Sperlinski (66)
    passed away February 27,2016

  12. Barbara Smith (Clevenger)

    Class of 1962, Mary Jane Ruiz passed away several years ago while on her honeymoon. She was in a car accident while traveling in Canada.

  13. Katharine Silva Ramirez

    My sister Karen Silva’s (class of 1980) date of death was July 3, 1982.

    • Dean

      I remember your sister. A very nice girl! May she rest in peace. God bless!

    • A. Friend

      Karen was an intelligent, beautiful and gentle soul that blessed many of our lives. She will be remembered always. She will be forever young.

  14. Barbara Karagan

    My sister Michele Campbell Tokiwa passed away 2011 she was class of 1982.

  15. Donna Quon (Yuen)

    t’s Donna Quon(Yuen). For our BHS class of 1981, Albert Hughes passed away back on April 23, 2005. Back in 2005, I read his obituary in the San Jose Mercury News and I cut it out and kept it. I’ve known Al Hughes since Sutter School Elementary where we went to school together. I believe he and Steven Bilycia, who was also a 1981 Buchser alumnus, lived near each other. Steven Bilycia also passed away in 2012 as it says. Please update the site to include Al Hughes’ name as one of our classmates who has passed away.

    Donna Quon(Yuen)

  16. Peggy Backhus

    Please update the site to include Paul Backhus as a 1982 classmate that passed away. He was my brother-in-law and my daughter’s favorite Uncle. He is sorely missed. He left the earth in 2002, but will always be in our hearts.

    • Joe

      I knew Paul and he was a great kid. I remember your family had the Backhus Inn on the El Camino. Nice family. RIP to a wonderful person!

  17. Denise Conatti

    Class of 1970, Janie Hansen Wilson passed away May 24, 2001
    Class of 1969 William (Bill) Wilson passed away October 3, 2003

  18. Dave Johnson

    I taught in the metal shop for five years until I moved to Bend, Oregon to teach in 1976. Buchser was my first teaching experience and it was a very positive one. A great faculty and the chance to work with some great kids. It saddens me to see that so many of my ex students have passed away.

    • Hiram Hironaka

      I feel the same. BHS was also my first full time teaching job with starting the first auto shop program. It was a brand new facilities occupied around December 1976 without heat.

      There are many students who have passed on so early before us. Those years at BHS were 3 of my memorable 42 years of teaching. I looked forward to going to “work” to have fun everyday and even get paid for it. BTW, I finish my career in a new auto shop I helped design.m

      Take care, stay well. God bless!

      Mr. H

  19. Craig Ard

    Please add Janice Ledbetter – Class of 1960 to the list. She was my mother and passed in 2010.

    • webchickbhs

      Thank you for letting us know Craig. We have added her to the memorial page, and let her class representative know.

  20. Mike Hendrickson

    Bob Browning, class of 1967 passed away on December 11, 2016.
    Great neighbor, teammate and friend.

  21. Linda Bailey

    My sister Jean (Jeannie) Bailey passed away on 6/18/16. Class of 1970.

    • webchickbhs

      Thank you for letting us know. We will make sure the records are updated.

  22. Petrina Hazelton

    My sister Kathleen Hazelton class of 1979 passed away on May 6, 2004 of cancer.

  23. Sherri Grover

    Can you add my Mother Mary Heilner to the memoriam please? She passed away July 16th, 2016 from pancreatic cancer. She was class of 1965.

    • webchickbhs

      Our condolences on the passing of your mother. We will be sure Mary gets added to the “in memoriam” page.

  24. Lynn Fukuda

    My dear friend and classmate of 1960 James (Jim) Davis passed
    away July 28, 2017

    • webchickbhs

      Thank you letting us know, we will add Jim to the “in memoriam” page.

  25. Holly Maguire

    My dear sister, Judi Maringer passed away November 1973 (class of 1968)
    My dear brother-in-law, David Lapka passed away March 2009 (class of 1968)
    My good friend, Mary Hathaway passed away in 1984 (class of 1971)

  26. sister

    I just read the obituary of Thomas Short, father of two Buchser alumni; Kelly Short (deceased) and Karen Short Avants (class of 1974), also deceased. This is how I learned of Karen’s death.

    Does anyone have any more information on Karen? She was my sister’s good friend from Sutter through Buchser, but unfortunately had lost contact over the past 15 years.

    • webchickbhs

      Thanks for your question on the website. I maintain the database for all the classes from Buchser, and I have the death information as far as a date for Kelly, but no information for Karen. I’m looking for further information and will let you know as soon as/if I find anything.
      Roberta Grimm Rinde, class of 1965

  27. Janet McCormack (Eysnogle)

    I came across this site today and I’m in shock to find out so many classmates have passed away. I knew about a few of them but I am so shocked on all the others. May they all rest in peace!

  28. Barbara Smith (Clevenger)

    Please add my sister…Patti Smith (Byington married name). She was in the class of 1962. She passed away July 29, 2017. Thank you.

    • webchickbhs

      Sorry for your loss. We have added her to this list and in the database.

  29. Tom Cantwell

    Timothy David Shue, Class of 1967, passed away on May 14, 2004. A very dear friend.

    • webchickbhs

      Thank you for sharing Tom. Our condolences on your loss. We will add him to the In Memoriam page.

  30. Maryrose Hutchinson

    Please update your list for the Class of 1973 with the following:

    Patricia Berritto Flanery (2017)
    Linda Jensen Daniel (2018)

    Thank you very much.

    Maryrose (Burriesci) Hutchinson

    • webchickbhs

      Thank you for letting us know Maryrose. We will update our records.

  31. Tom Malone

    Mike Brewer class of 65, DOD is July 22, 2013.

  32. Cris Carson Huckle

    Please add Georgina Flowers Wisdom, class of 68 – DOD May 28, 2018. My dearest friend – I will miss her.

    • webchickbhs

      Thank you for letting us know. Our condolences for your loss.

  33. Cynthia (Hehner) Gowin

    My little brother was Steven Scott Hehner. You have him listed as dying May 2017. He died April 26, 2018 at San Francisco Hospital from complications after a surgical procedure to do a heart bypass. Was very unexpected. He is sincerely missed.

    • webchickbhs

      Thank you for letting us know the correct date. We will fix it in our records. Condolences on your loss.

  34. Cynthia (Hehner) Gowin

    Sorry forgot to post Steven Scott Hehner graduating class of 1977.

  35. Jill Smith

    Can you please add Terry Ponte’s name to the Class of 1977 list? Terry left us in 2017 – I’ll work on getting a more definitive date but it’s all I have for now.


  36. Dan Green

    Class of 1978 Ricky Duckworth died of an accidental gun shot in 77 or 76?

  37. wayne haro

    Class of 1966 Ronald Eugene (Gene) Hittle – February 5, 2002

    Class of 1966 Ronald Hernandez – February 15, 2011

    Two of my buddies I grew up with.

    • webchickbhs

      Thanks for letting us know. We will add to our database, as well as the website.

  38. gary alan field

    my friend bill quigley ( same class as me, ’74) missed the cut,..i think he died on his birthday, 12-31,…a few years after graduation, in an auto accident, as did larry fox..i will get you the dates for rex carlsen also, as he, billy, larry and me all grew up together

  39. Terry Bohme

    For the Lucky LC Curtis Alumni of our 1964-68 era there were several teachers, most of whom have died. The youngest, Miss Gretchen Glazier) Boyer still alive married and back east born about 1940++. The PE Teacher with the Paddle – David Bassoni, passed Oct 31, 2018 in AZ and the music teacher Mrs Barkmain, passed in 2009 she’d be 103 this year.

  40. Bob Christopher
  41. Wade’s

    Stephen Wade Norris (Class of 1977) passed on October 5, 1988

    • webchickbhs

      Thank you for sending this information to us. Can you do us a quick favor and send an email to our database manager, she didn’t have either one of you in the database. Her address is

  42. Margaret Area

    There is a misspelled name in the Class of 66 list. “Janice Koslos” should be Kozlow. I remember that her friends used to call her Kozzie.

  43. Pat Lawson

    My sister, Carol Zachary, passed away on 2/11/98 from a transplant rejection. Class of 1978.

    • webchickbhs

      Thank you for the information; condolences on your loss.

    • Arnold Robinson

      Hi Pat, so sorry to see this about Carol, she was a beautiful girl. We lived diagonal from you guys on Shafer way back when.

  44. Giselle Embry

    To whomever maintains this list; under class of ’67, should be James Gavin Embry, not Galvin.

    Thank you,
    Giselle Embry

    • webchickbhs

      So sorry on the mistake, we will get that taken care of as soon as possible.

  45. Kathryn Foster

    Hello – please correct Dave Struck’s year of death to 2018 (class of 1976). Thank you

    • webchickbhs

      Thanks for the information, we have changed it here and in the main database as well.

  46. Elizabeth Turley

    My sister, Cindy Turley class of 77, her DOD is May 14,1978. Thank you.

  47. Denise Schimke Millard

    Hi, would like to see my mother Frances Schimke listed under staff.. Secretary to the Principal not sure how many years . She passed March 29, 2013.

  48. Luanne Thompson Lubben

    My brother,Gregory Thompson class of 68 was killed same day as his friend Wayne Frietas Aug 18th 1970 Woodside CA a car accident.

  49. Donna Yuen

    Jennnifer Edwards BHS Class of 1981 just passed away on 4/20/2019.

  50. Marita Carlson

    Does anyone know the cause of Joe Driggsdeath in 1993. He was class of 1974 and we went to SCU together, graduating in 1978.

  51. Ann (Rohles) Schwab

    Please add these details regarding my sister, class of 1978. Her maiden name was Ellen Rohles. She should be listed as Ellen (Rohles) Cerone. She passed away on August 5, 2001.
    Thank you. Ann (Rohles) Schwab, Class of 1975
    You may contact me at if you have any questions.

    • Tom Barrett

      Hi Ann,
      Her details have been updated. The convention on the website is to not use parens, so she shows as Ellen Rohles Cerone.

  52. Terry Bohme

    April 9 2019 Class 1971 was there for most of the years Pomeroy, LC Curtis, till maybe his senior year till he dropped out!! should bne in Ricky J Micheletti 9my next door neighbor 1963 fwd past HS

  53. Terry Bohme

    On March 7, 2020 my brother Jay (James Jay Bohme) class of 1971 died of COPD. He was always slender 5’8 under 150 but wasted away to 90. He was born in Elizabeth NJ because my California mom married Mr J J Bohme who was a Sailor at Moffett Field and he believed she would love NJ,.which she did not. They returned home to Palo Alto and had me 7 mos later, just in time to make me a California native. Jay was fairly quiet never read, and never kept in touch much. In 1968 he’ took a bullet’ for my mom and went back to NJ to keep my ANGRY DIVORCED dad at bay. That’s why he did not do his senior year at Buchser, Jay graduated Cedar Ridge H.S. 1970 in Old Bridge NJ, the first graduating class. We had both gone to Madison H.S. near there in 1968 when I was an 85 pound 4’8″ Freshman, kept over for a long summer. Luckily we checked into Buchser by November ’68 . Jay joined the Navy in Nov 1970-74 saw many places as a Seabee. Jay was plagued 3 time with Polio aggravated Encephalitis 1st at 3 April 1955 when he got the Salk vaccine made in Berkeley by CUTTER LABS (wikipedia) He was given flawed of 40,000 live activated dose’. Type 2. It affected largely his brain and behavior. Well he was always a bit bigger than me till I got fed in the Navy too. He was married twice no kids he adored his last wife Wendy, who he cared for till her death from Diabetes and Kidney failure in early 2000.He only attended the one Buchser Picnic in 2005 and was never driven to do much other than play the slots in the hills & Reno. My mom had cared for him in Manteca these last 20+ years. Now she’s stuck with me at 89.9 . She’s a 1948 Palo Alto H.S. grad. and still driving. Descd. from Mountain View Pioneer great grandparents (Henderson/Tandy Strong/Wiles) who came in 1851 Many students are related you know. Terry Bohme 1971Buchser

  54. Terry Bohme

    Search Results
    Web results

    Derrol J Hammer, [1971] (209) 612-7732, Tracy, CA I just scrolled up and saw my friend Derrol died March 4 2020 (Fry’s Mort.). I am shocked to see his name cause he was alright as rain in August. He was well retired from UC Berkeley had a solid place in Tracy for years and was just getting in his retirement of 30 plus years. He was deserving of much more for being so disciplined & happy, and taller and more hair than most of us. Anyone know more?

  55. Ramona Thornton

    Hi, Please add Johnny Burnett class of 1977 and Gigi Burnett class of 1978. Thank you

  56. Terry Bohme

    We received the information about Derrell from his daughter, but I’m sorry to say I have no further information.

  57. Terry Bohme

    MY TYPO. Fix please, My brother Jay Bohme is class of 1970, we lived next door to Tony & Infamous “Ricky” Martinelli since 1963 on 975 Live Oak Drive. Lots of stories for those years, as everyone has theirs also.

  58. Gerald Logue

    My mother, Sharon Husted(class of 1960) passed away on 12/7/2018

  59. Wayne Haro

    David Dawes class of 1966, please add his day of death December 28, 2003.

  60. John P. Bronson

    Dear Bruins Who Preserve Our Legacy,
    Thanks for this. Life has kept me busy and away from the Buchser community these last many years. Exception was when two of my brothers and I (all Bruins) attended Joe Kornder’s wonderful memorial service at the school.

    The passing of our amazing Principal Don Callejon recently sent me onto memory lane. Very saddened to see how many old friends are no longer with us. Every day is a blessing.

    John Bronson, Buchser HS 1967

  61. Tim Bowman

    Albert Bateh (’71) passed in March 1993, age 40. According to his widow I ran into working at a bank on Hamilton Ave back in 2002, Jimmy Dolen (also ’71) helped with burial arrangements at the time. Albert and my claim to fame is that we were the first one’s to dive in to the International Swim Center Diving pool when it opened to the public back in the 60s 🙂
    I moved away in 1970 and graduated elsewhere in ’71, but still enjoy visiting this site for updates. Thanks for the hard work and contributions.

  62. Janice Lesch Enright

    Richard “Dick” Johnson passed away January 2020. I believe he was one of the earliest classes of Buchser. Around 1960 or ‘61. He was my neighbor growing up. He hung out with Mike Pitts, Jim Buck, Jim McGuire. He played on the football team as did all those guys. He was a kind gentle soul throughout his life. Always jokes around and laughed.our neighborhood was special having him in it. Our neighbors included the Schmidt’s, Dearungers, Dawes family, Honda family, Wershiners, and Skip and David Stewart as well as Sally Weineke and Donna and Betty Smith. We all grew up together practically from birth so we were like brothers and sisters and had a neighborhood filled with mothers to all of us. Our mothers made sure us kids were their main focus. Our weekends, holidays and summers were always filled with fun and love. A neighborhood like ours is hard to find anymore. He married Cindy Laisure and they had one son. Their son, passed away suddenly October 2020. Could you please add Dick’s name to the list? Thank you✨

    • Roberta Grimm Rinde

      Janice – I’m sorry to hear about Richard. I have posted this for you on the Buchser Alumni page on Facebook.

      It is indeed a small world – my niece’s daughter married Harold Laisure from that family.

  63. Janice Lesch Enright

    I’d also like to add that Dick Johnson served in VietNam✨

  64. Rosa Farias

    Spanish teacher, Gary Edwards, passed away on August 8, 2020 in his Los Altos, CA home at the age or 82. According to the newspaper clipping, he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease 20 years ago, but lost his life after a hard battle the last 10 years of his life. I have fond memories of Mr. Edwards and was well liked by many of my fellow students.

    • Tom Barrett

      Gary Edwards was a great teacher and wonderful human being. I had him for Spanish. Thanks, Rosa. He has been added to the In Memoriam page. RIP, Mr. Edwards.

  65. Andy Burg

    Tanya Burg Friscia class of 1974 passed away 12/24/2020

  66. Steve Mason

    Just a brief note that my father, Mike Mason, class of 63,’ passed away on August 5, 2020, in Reno, NV, from complications due to COVID. He went peacefully in his sleep.

    • Tom Barrett

      Sorry for your loss, Steve. The In Memoriam page has been updated. RIP, Mike.

  67. Michele Coughran


    Bonnie Carter, class of 73′ passed on Nov 2, 1983
    Cheryl Bell, class of ’73, passed in Nov 1984
    Ed Heyden, class of ’73 passed on May 13, 2007
    Christine Conroy, class of ’73 passed on May 8, 1978
    Kathy Fraser, class of /73, passed on Sept 10, 2013

    • Tom Barrett

      Hi Michele,
      Thanks much for that info! We have updated the In Memoriam page per your information. RIP, fellow Bruins.
      Thanks again,

  68. Sandy Morrison Baxley

    My sister Donna Morrison O’Neal (class of 1976) passed away on Sept 27, 2020. She’s loved and missed more than words can say! RIP Donna

    • Tom Barrett

      Hi Sandy,
      We have updated the In Memoriam page w/ Donna’s details. Thanks for informing us and so sorry for your loss. RIP Donna.

  69. Terry Bohme

    Ricky J Micheletti April 4, 2019. in 1971 class not 1970

    • Tom Barrett

      Hi Terry,
      We fixed this after you let us know (very sorry for not replying sooner). And thanks for your updates and corrections, we like to keep this info accurate.

  70. Thomas Moniz

    Jack Orosco. Class of 1971
    He passed away
    February 11, 1978

  71. Wayne Haro

    Jim Reifschneider class of 1966 passed away on October 12, 2004

  72. Jeff Driggs

    Jonathan Driggs, Class of 1981 passed away from Aids in 1991. My older brother Joe Driggs, Class of 1974 passed from Aids as well.
    As I scanned this honor role, brought back many great times as a Buchser Bruin. We were fortunate to be a small, tight knit school.
    We all appreciate you all for keeping our Bruin family updated.

    • Tom Barrett

      Hi Jeff,
      I’ve updated the In Memoriam page with info on Jonathan. I’m so sorry to hear you’ve lost two brothers. I knew Joe and that he had passed away. I was in Chess Club with him and sat next to him in at least one class. I really liked him. Good guy and a great sense of humor. I was sad when I first heard he was no longer with us (BTW, if you’d like to provide the dates of their passing I’ll add that to the web page).
      Thanks and take care,
      Tom Barrett (Class of ’75)

  73. Gini Webb (Concepcion)

    Rose Marie Ewing – AKA Tootsie
    Passed away, August 28th, 2022
    Class of 1972 ~ She was my sister-in-law.

    • Tom Barrett

      Hi Gini,
      So sorry for your loss. Thanks for the update. We have updated the In Memoriam page. Condolences to you and your family.

      RIP, Rose Marie.


  74. Ken Israel

    Nat Fast, class of 1979, died last fall. I can get the date if needed.


  75. Terry Bohme

    Mark Laskowski. A Pomeroy. LC Curtis and Bucsher Student who would have been class of 1971 died 3/2/22. He was my best friend from 5th grade frwd till he moved away in 1969 summer to the hiils of Cupertino and attended Lynbrook. Mark was at 6′ in 5th grade and was bigger in High School. He joined the Marines for 22 yrs and was in embassy duty all over, retiring as Master Sgt.. Then to Jacksonville NC PD for 16 more yrs. His mom Ann, was the head nurse at Kaiser and father Fred a Lockheed Engineer. He was b Feb 1952 in San Jose , but called 806 Christopher Ct. home for @ 10 yrs. We were once like brothers and since 1976 Navy I just could not track him. Just a few times on internet search over 5 and 2 year ago on the phone. No problems but He died from Covid of all things. obit > Sisters Alice & Nancy.

  76. Rich Ebert

    Charles Mallette class of 79 died 2 yes ago

    • Tom Barrett

      Sorry to hear. Do you happen to know the date of his passing? We usually include that on the In Memoriam page. Thanks, Rich.

  77. Mary (Giacomo) Heynen

    Mary(Giacomo) Heynen class of 60

    Please add my Sister Anna (Giacomo ) Miller to the list for class of 1963. She passed on December 13, 2021.

    • Tom Barrett

      Hi Mary. Done. I’m sorry for your loss. RIP, Anna.
      -Tom Barrett, Class of 1975

  78. Randi (Bloechl) Myers

    Please add my brother to the list. Wayne Bloechl was Class of 1979 and he passed away in August 2022

    • Tom Barrett
    • Lani Sikora Kendle

      Hi Randi,

      I’m sorry to hear that your brother passed away. How are you doing? Are you living in the Bay Area? I just wanted to say hello. I’d love to hear from you❤️

  79. Annie Smith

    Tom — John Dalton passed away Feb, 29, 2016. I posted about it on the Buchser Facebook site when it happened and thought that it was posted to the In Memoriam page but it’s not there now.
    Mr. Dalton was staff — an Art teacher for many years.

    • Tom Barrett

      Hi Annie. I updated the page. Thanks for catching this and for the follow-up. RIP, Mr. Dalton.

  80. Beth Dorr

    Hi, I was just looking thru the memorial. Laurie (Grossman) Cleland. Class of 1978 passed away on 2/7/2022. She has not been added on the list. ( I confirmed the date based on her daughter’s post on Laurie’s Facebook site. )

    • Tom Barrett

      Hi Beth. I updated the In Memoriam page. Thanks for the update. RIP, Laurie.

  81. Tim DeCoff

    Hello Tom this is Tim DeCoff class of 76 I was looking for information on Teresa Dunkelberger I heard she has passed could you please forward me any information on her that you might have i sure would love to read about her life I believe she graduated in 75 I think!!!! Thanks so much

  82. Greg Anderson

    Hi. I noted that you listed the death of my wife, Sarah Anderson. We were both Class of ’74. Sally and I had been married almost 9 years at the time of her passing. Her name should be listed as Sarah Marie Anderson. She did indeed die on June 24th, 2022.

  83. Friend & Classmate

    Ref. Class of 1979 – (Last name Spell Check). Should be Robert (Bob) Vallerga

    • Tom Barrett

      Many thanks for catching this. I confirmed the correct spelling w/ the rep for Class of 1979 and have updated the web page.

  84. jill smith


    Sadly, we need to add Kathleen R Herold to the memorial list of 1977 graduates.
    She passed away on May 11, 2024

    • Tom Barrett

      Hi Jill,
      I can’t find anyone by that name in the database for class of 1977. Was Herold her family name (name while at Buchser)?


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