Bruin videos
Thanks to Sam Ajluni, Class of 1976, who found these videos while researching Santa Clara city history.
- The varsity basketball team of Buchser High School in Santa Clara, California takes on neighboring Mountain View team Awalt High in this hard-fought game from January of 1974.
- Santa Clara Valley high schools Buchser and Santa Clara go head-to-well-coiffed head in this classic 1976 basketball game.
- Buchser high school tribute. For the class of 74 By JP Moore.
Bear Tracks and more
Thanks to Bob Smiley Class of 1961, we have some scans of some great nostalgic items.
If you have any missing Bruin documents, or anything you might think people would like to see, please let us know.
looking for Barbara Campbell and julee simmons class of 1971
I can check with our administrator to see if we have either Barbara or Julee on our class logs. I have a classmate, Patty Campbell, who may be related to your Barbara Campbell. How would these classmates be able to get a hold of you?
Class of 1977
Barbara Campbell here but not class of 71 but class of 75 what do you need Randy?
Does anyone know what ever happened to Doug Furter (79)? Last I heard he was a Fire Fighter trainee.
He’s on Facebook as Douglas Furter.
Is Dart Wagner, class of 1974 still around? He was a fantastic athlete and person.
Wondering if anyone has been in touch with David Harris class of ’73? Hope he is well and happy!
I have several original Bear Prints (volume 8). Please let me know to whom I should send them to. Thank you.
Go ahead and send them to Roberta Grimm Rinde, class of ’65. Her email is, contact her for her address.
It was good to see you at the Mt. View Art & Wine, Laura.
I don’t see anyone from class of 64 maybe that just don’t like face book Iiii don’t know. Hi to all the class it s been along time I’m still hang un. In there how about you .Bye .
I’m waiting to see if anyone from class of 64 comes on line .I’d like to here from them .
Does anyone remember a concert or dance where the “Golliwogs” sang? My brother claims he saw them at Buchser back in the late 60s. They went on to become Credence Clearwater. THANKS!
Your comment is on the website, but probably won’t get many people to look at it. If you are a member of the Bruins facebook group, you might get more feedback posting your question there.
Laura….I think the Golliwogs were around until 1967, then they changed their name to Creedance Clearwater Revival. They started around 64-65.
I would like to post a flyer to save the date for the class of ’70’ 50th reunion. I have been unable to do this on my own. Can someone tell me how? Or can you post for me? This is Robin Dearinger, the rep for class of 70. So far we have our 50th reunion set for August 15th, the eve before the picnic. It will be at Fiorillo’s Restaurant in Santa Clara and will run about $50.00 per person. Anyone needing more info, should send their e-mail to me to get on our e-mail list for updates. I am hoping to have it all locked down by the end of April. Thanks.
Robin Dearinger
Class of 70.
To the class of “70”
It is with a sad heart that we let you know our 50th reunion is postponed , due to the COVID 19 crisis. The safety of everyone is our main concern. The annual picnic is also being postponed until August 15th of 2021. Santa Clara has been hit hard. We do not want to be the reason for any one of us contracting this disease. How would you feel about combining with the class of 71 next year for a big bash? Please send a response to if this is something you would consider. A simple yes or no is all we need. We could still do it on our own. It would probably be on the eve of August 14th before the picnic on Sunday, August 15th. Stay safe and healthy. We hope to see you next year.
I tried to include all of the e-mails that I have in this e-mail. If you know someone who I may have missed, please let them know. I will also post on facebook and on Buchser
Thank you,
The Reunion Committee
Hey Robin,
Mark Weisman here. Have you been in touch with my sister lately?
She’s moved back to Nashville, and I know she would love to hear from you…
Well at least we can speak to each other. Saw Charlie Knezevich ’71 & John O’Neill ’72 on the weekend by accident on Saratoga Ave restaurant eating at Amato’s Philly Sand.
have not seen Charlie since 1976 reunion at his Italian Rest. so happy it happened.
Now where the heck is Bill Jensen ’71 and crazy as heck others?
hey look what I found !!! How did I not know this existed ?? I live my life on Facebook but realize not everyone enjoys Facebook like I do So the sad news is our 2021 picnic has been cancelled , along with the class of ’71 50th reunion. Let’s not say cancelled , how about postponed . WE WILL CELEBRATE 2022 !! 50 years plus one. Terry , happy to see you here and that you saw Charlie !! Anyone else here and not on Facebook ??
1971 50 Year Reunion this Summer ?? – we are a sad lot- so few of us show up anymore. over 300 -?? made it to graduation Fill in details. Terry Bohme
A 5 yr in 1976 summer 20 or so of us showed at Central Park in the Chain Circle pre bushes and vines. 10 yr @ Marriott by Great America was where we had 1981.
I think we did Charlies Knezevich’s Italian Rest for 91?
We did a family Picnic down in South South San Jose Coyote???
We had a reunion in a hotel in San Jose, near the Airport, Hyatt I think
We did a reunion at a Hotel near Convention Center off Great America for our 40.
Does anyone know know here Ray Edinger class of 72 is? He still owes me money.
Brent Bornmann ‘72
Last I heard he moved to Arizona.
While watching a PBS documentary recently, I realized I was hearing about a 1967 classmate, Peter Tan. It turns out that Peter’s sister was Amy Tan, the author of the “Joy Luck Club” plus many others, and a graduate of Peterson High. I sent the following to Amy via her agent and (with permission) thought others in the BHS community from around that time might be interested in this story of a promising young man leaving us much too soon. Of course, on a lighter note, the revelation of the minor election fraud is bittersweet to me:
(John’s email to Amy’s agent)
First, I want to say how much I enjoyed Amy’s James Redford documentary last evening. But while watching the sequence in which Peter and Amy’s dad were stricken, I suddenly made the connection that the youthful tragedy I had experienced over the sudden loss of a high school classmate / friendly rival was being described. Peter Tan and I were high school classmates at Santa Clara’s Buchser High School. I don’t know how the news got out at school, but everyone knew that Peter was gravely ill, and probably would not survive. And there was genuine grief. He was such a charmer.
I would not say we were best friends, but I admired him greatly. Grudgingly in one instance. He and I both ran for Senior Class Treasurer. He ran a cunningly clever campaign, gave a good speech at the class assembly. But the star strategy was he setup a table outside the school library (as I recall) and then on little greeting cards, wrote out everyone’s name in Chinese. By the end of the day, nearly the entire senior class was wearing those cards. Granted, nobody knew what the characters he was writing actually were, but it was a huge campaign success (aside: ref Sister Amy’s disclosure below). On the other hand, I had one marginal poster hung up by the student store and was told I seemed scared to death while speaking to the class. I lost in a landslide. But even as a snarky teen, I had no doubt the better man had won. And that realization and life lesson learned is probably why I can recall this so clearly today, more than fifty years later.
Anyway, I pulled out my 1967 yearbook, found that had two very nice photos of Peter (one being with the senior class officers…. sigh) being honored.
(I can share these images if anybody is interested)
John Bronson
(Amy Tan’s reply):
Hi John,
Thanks so much for taking the time to write and send me photos of Peter. I am grateful to know that his classmates still remember him. I think he would have gone on to do great things. He was such a good person. However, I must confess on his behalf that his campaign for Treasurer was a prank. He could not write in Chinese. But in those days, who could check? I pulled pranks like that as well, pretending I could read Chinese and giving dire fortunes or risque messages. Because Peter ran for Treasurer, I ran for Secretary and actually won. Imagine how else he might have influenced me had he lived longer!
Thanks again for writing.
I’m searching for an old friend. I left Buchser in my junior year so didn’t graduate with my 1965 class but my friend would have been two to three years behind me. Her name was Darcia Kleinschmidt (sp?). I don’t remember most of my friends from that time period. My good friend Bob Hardesty died in Vietnam. Bret Carlson and I hung around together for a time as well. Other than that, memory is hazy. Anyway, I’m trying to track down Darcia to apologize for an interaction we had waaaaaay back when. If anyone knows where I can locate her, I’d really appreciate it.
Will the class of ’72 have a 50th reunion get together? If so, when and where? Thanks. (If there is a reunion gathering, will the information be posted on the Buchser fb page? As well, is that a good page for information for all Buchser classes?)
L. Joanne Brey
Hi Joanne. There’s usually discussion about reunions on the Buchser Facebook page. Once something has been decided, the class leads usually have it posted on this website (as well as announcing it on the Facebook page). Hope that helps. Let us know if you have other questions.
Just noticed your last question. Some graduating classes also have their own Facebook page. I would suggest asking that question on the main Facebook page. But the main page is usually a very good source of info for all classes.
Where are the Vasona 2022 classs pictures???
Hi Terry. Mea culpa. Joy has provided me a link to upload (like over a week ago) but I’ve been swamped. Some are currently on Facebook but I hope to get them uploaded soon. Sorry for the delay and thanks for your patience.
I just found out my old friend Ellen Huber McClendon -class of 65 died in 1971 which explains the mystery of why I never heard from her again. Does anyone know how she died is or how Dawn, her daughter is? I still have Dawn’s phot she sent me
Hi Brenda. You may also want to check on the Buchser High Alumni Facebook page. . Good luck trying to find out more.
-Tom (webmaster and Class of 75)
Has anyone heard from Arthur (Art) Hall, or know what he’s been up to? (Class of ’72)
Hi David,
You might also want to ask on our alumni Facebook page,