Contact Us2

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29 Responses to “Contact Us2”

  1. Audrey Dew (schaefer)

    I grew up in Santa Clara . Lived there until 1970.Went to Buchser high until 1970. Went to Curtis Junior High and Sutter Elementry. I have been wondering about some of my former classmates. I hope I can make the picnic in August .

  2. Jim Tritch

    Tom Tritch is listed in the Memoriam section, class of 1966. It says om Tritch, not Tom Tritch. Thought I’d mention it.

  3. Judy Grossi

    Sadly, Jack Girdis, Class of ’66 passed away this past Spring. I don’t know the exact date. He was married to my sister for over 15 years before they divorced. My sister doesn’t use email so thought I would let his classmates know. Jack lived in Florida when he passed away.

    • Buchser

      Thank you for letting us know. We have updated our records.


      Recently pulled out a yellowed LP w/”Girdis” written on it…knew Jack Girdis from my hippie days in Los Gatos CA I.e. he was part of our tribe. It grieves me learn he’s gone. He gave me a perfectlydelightfulcuttingedge LP “Reflections In A Crystal Wind” circa 1965 therefore he will always be remembered as long as I live.

    • Terry Bohme

      Judy Grossi- Was Jack related to Rob Girdis class of 71 who died in/ near Seattle WA in 2009

    • Terry Bohme

      I saw you had extended tie to Jack Girdis, was Rob Girdis 1971 Class his brother? did anyone actually now about Rob’s death in 2009 I spoke to him a few weeks before on phone, but no one has said how/why.

  4. Renee Reeder Smith

    I wanted to let you know that Sharon Reimer , class of 1970, died Feb. 18, 2011. She is missed by many of us.

  5. Mike Duret

    Kenneth Duret, Class of 81, passed away on January 7th. Here is his obituary. Everyone is invited to attend his memorial service.

    Kenneth John Duret, age 52, passed away on January 7th surrounded by family and friends in his home after a 9-year battle with chronic Lyme disease. Ken was born in Niagara Falls, New York and came to California when he was 8 years old. Ken graduated from Buchser High School in 1981 and moved to Santa Cruz where he would spend the rest of his life loving the ocean and redwoods.
    Ken was a private pilot, surfer, fisherman, hiker, bird watcher, musician, photographer, lumberjack, construction worker, web designer, entrepreneur and small business owner. Really, there were few things Ken was afraid to try. One of Ken’s passions was gathering wild mushrooms. He would cook them up at family gatherings and smile as we cautiously tasted his find of the day.
    Kenny, as his sisters call him, is survived by a large, loving family: His parents Arthur and Camille Duret; his brothers and sisters: Mike (and Becky) Duret, Jennifer (and Yavar) Duret Khaleghi, David (and Lindsay Taylor) Duret, Camille (and Steve) Wheeler; his 8 nieces and nephews: Daniel, Stephanie, and Matthew Duret, Maral Khaleghi, Osha Duret, Ava, Charlotte, and Lauren Wheeler.
    Ken’s life touched many people in many ways. Please join us on Friday, January 29, 2016 at 2:30pm at the Pacific Cultural Center, 1307 Seabright Ave, Santa Cruz to celebrate memories of Ken’s life with his family and friends.

  6. Mike Blumenthal

    WHODATHOUGHT??? 53 years. Love it. Hoping to be at the August Picnic.


  7. Duane Davenport

    WOW, it’s been 40 years already. It’s amazing how time goes by. I didn’t even know the school had it’s own website, until I entered a search. Thank you very much.

  8. Debra Goodman


    Hello , still waiting for information on this.
    Anyone who knows how I can connect with her please
    Thank You

    Debra Goodman

    • webchickbhs

      Debra-The person who has the database for all Bruins is away from her computer at the moment. I will have her start on this task when she is able. Unless you happen to know the graduating class of Doreen?

      • Debra A Goodman

        hi, I do not know the grad. class for Doreen.
        She was my tutor when I was in Cath. Elementary School. So this would be mid-later 1960s.
        I would appreciate any info. to connect with her
        Thank You
        Debra Goodman

  9. jill smith


    Can you please post the following reunion info?

    Join us for a great time at the Buchser High School Class of
    1977 – 40th Reunion, with our special guests
    the classes of 1975, 1976, 1978, & 1979

    Sunday, August 19 2017
    Crow’s Nest ( at the Santa Cruz Harbor)
    2218 East Cliff Drive
    Santa Cruz, Ca 95062

    Tickets can now be purchased for the reunion via

    Have questions? Please send us a note at our Facebook page:
    Buchser High Class of 1977

  10. Mary (Giacomo) Heynen

    Buchser High classmate of 1960 Bonnie Tagami passed away in 2015. She was a dear friend of mine throughout my years at Buchser.

    • webchickbhs

      We are sorry for the loss of your dear friend, and added Bonnie to the list.

  11. Bob Morra

    Joe Schmidig passed away Dec. of 2017 RIP Slim. Also Bob Liberman has passed. Both class of 62.

    • webchickbhs

      Thank you for letting us know, we will update our records.

  12. Becky (Bustamante) Mizener

    I found out I need a copy of my graduation certificate. How do I get it? Our school doesn’t exit any more. Class of 1970

    • webchickbhs

      Try contacting the Santa Clara District Office. They should either have it or know where to find it.

    • robin dearinger

      Please post this.
      Class of 1970 50th Reunion is coming. Join us August 15th, 202This is the evening before the picnic. We will have food, drink, and old friends. More info to follow. Keep an eye on this page and the Buchser alumni page on facebook. We will also post in classmates,com. Get in touch with Robin dDearinger if you can come to this event.

  13. Mary Forsythe Paulson

    A Buchser HS ring was found. Must have been from someone who attended but didn’t graduate from Buchser as it was closed before that class graduated. You must have bought your ring as a fresh or soph. It says Buchser Class of 1983.
    I was contacted by someone who found this ring 35/36 years ago, forgot about it and came upon it again and wanted to find the owner. They contacted me. The initials on the ring are JW. Please contact me for further identification. Hoping for a happy ending.
    Mary Forsythe Paulson
    Class of 1969l

  14. robin dearinger
  15. Lucille Pimentel-Hardy

    Hi Former Buchserites, I’m not on FB currently and I guess I forgot about this means of posting messages. Actually I have forgotten lots. I was not well for awhile but I am regaining my strength because I am stubborn and I never give up. I’ve had several heart procedures and a cancer operation then radiation. We thought I had kicked the cancer only to have it return. I start my chemo on September 19th in Clovis, CA. I missed my 1st BHS Picnic, (something else I forgot). I can no longer drive because I fall a lot and am afraid of hurting someone. I have been at Merced Nursing & Rehab for 1 1/2 years now. I can walk with a walker and am currently determined to walk on my own. I also have a wheelchair that I can maneuver like an auto. So much for my health. If anyone would like to contact me they can email me or text me (831)673-0589. Would love to hear from my friends. Don’t know when I will be at a picnic again. God willing and thru my determination it will be soon. Everyone stay as healthy as possible. Hugs!

    • Tom Barrett

      Hi Lucille. I hope you are doing well. I saw your comment on an old version of our website (I am class of ’75 and the current website manager). Unfortunately, the general public can no longer see this page. I am going to post your message on our alumni Facebook page but will not post your phone number or email there and will only give that out to classmates who ask (to protect your privacy). Take care!


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